The new EUTOS score predicts complete cytogenetic remission (CCgR) 18 months after the start of therapy, which is an important predictor for the course of disease. Patients without CCgR at this point of treatment are less likely to achieve one later on and are at a high risk of progressing to blastic and accelerated phase disease.
The strongest predictors for CCgR at 18 months are spleen size and percentage of basophils. Spleen size is measured in cm under the costal margin, basophils as their percent in peripheral blood. Both need to be assessed at baseline. Their relationship to CCgR is expressed by the formula:
7 * basophils + 4 * spleen size
If the sum is greater than 87, the patient is at high risk of not achieving a CCgR at 18 months, while a sum less than or equal to 87 indicates a low risk.
The following display calculates the result of the EUTOS score and the respective risk group. Additionally, the individual probability of the patient not to be in CCgR after 18 months is calculated.
Created by: Schäfer , generated 2011/07/12 , last changed: 2011/11/15