The European LeukemiaNet (ELN) and Novartis have established the European Treatment and Outcome Study (EUTOS) for CML, an initiative designed to help European healthcare professionals to optimize treatment and achieve the best possible outcomes for patients with chronic lyeloid leukemia (CML)
The overall objectives are the consolidation of a cooperative between academia and industry for the collection of baseline-, treatment- and outcome data of representative samples of CML patients of major European countries. This is achieved by expanding the current European
CML Registry and its sub registries to assess faster epidemiological data on CML, the current state of treatment, the implementation of the ELN recommendations for CML management, new prognostic models and prognosis adjusted treatments. The objectives are promoted by
quality controlled molecular monitoring using standardized RQ-PCR technologies and an international definition of molecular results, by developing strategies to get closer to cure CML and by spread of excellence activities.
The project will make use of the ELN infrastructure and of existing leukemia study groups in the field of CML for accomplishment of the objectives and for dissemination and exploitation of project results.
The project will foster ELN-activities, promote implementation of ELN management recommendations, improve understanding and treatment of CML, and enhance outcome of CML across Europe and globally having considerable medical and societal impact.
The overall objectives of this CML-Cooperation are to:
Please have a look at the EUTOS key slides.
Created by: A. Hellenbrecht , generated 2007/12/20 , last changed: 2012/02/27